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Privacy Policy

T-NEXT Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and complies with the Law on the Protection of Personal Information (Law No. 57 issued on May 30th, 2003, including subsequent amendments, hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act"), and strives to appropriately handle and protect personal information in accordance with the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "Privacy Policy"). Unless otherwise specified in this Privacy Policy, the definitions of terms in this Privacy Policy shall follow those set forth in the Personal Information Protection Act.

1. Definition of Personal Information In this Privacy Policy, personal information means personal information as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

We collect and use personal information for the following purposes:

(1) For the services we provide (collectively, "our services").
(2) To provide information about our services and respond to inquiries, etc.
(3) To provide information about our products and services, etc.
(4) To respond to actions that violate our terms and conditions, policies, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Terms, etc.") regarding our services
(5) To notify you of changes to the terms and conditions, etc. regarding our services
(6) To help improve our services and develop new services, etc.
(7) For employment management and internal procedures (personal information of officers and employees)
(8) For shareholder management and procedures under the Companies Act and other laws and regulations (personal information of shareholders, stock acquisition rights holders, etc.)
(9) To create statistical data related to our services that has been processed into a format that does not identify individuals
(10) For other purposes incidental to the above purposes of use

3. Changes to the purpose of use of personal information

In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, we may change the purpose of use of personal information to the extent that it is reasonably deemed relevant to the purpose of use, and in the event of such change, we will notify or publicly announce the individual who is the subject of the personal information (hereinafter referred to as the "person").

4. Restrictions on use of personal information and provision to third parties

4.1 Except in the following cases, we will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use without the consent of the individual.

(1) When required by law
(2) When it is necessary for the protection of a person's life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent
(3) When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of healthy child development, and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent
(4) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution, local government, or a person commissioned by them in carrying out duties prescribed by law, and obtaining the individual's consent is likely to impede the performance of said duties
(5) When personal information is provided in connection with business succession due to a merger or other reason
(6) When personal information is used jointly with a specific person, the individual is notified in advance or made easily accessible to the individual of this fact, the items of personal information to be used jointly, the scope of the parties using the information jointly, the purpose of use by the users, and the name or title of the person responsible for managing the personal information
(7) When all or part of the handling of personal information is entrusted to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use in order to smoothly carry out business operations

4.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, when providing personal information to a third party (excluding those who have established a system that meets the standards specified in the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission pursuant to Article 24 of the Personal Information Protection Act) in a foreign country (excluding countries designated in the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission pursuant to Article 24 of the Personal Information Protection Act), we will obtain the prior consent of the individual to allow the provision to a third party in a foreign country.

4.3 When we provide personal information to a third party, we will create and store records in accordance with Article 25 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

4.4 When receiving personal information from a third party, we will make the necessary checks in accordance with Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act, and will create and keep records of such checks.

5. Appropriate Acquisition of Personal Information

5.1 We will acquire personal information in a proper manner and will not acquire it through false or other illegal means. In addition, in cases where the Personal Information Protection Act specifies that the consent of the individual is required for such acquisition, we will obtain the individual's consent in accordance with such provisions.

5.2 We will not collect sensitive personal information (as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Personal Information Protection Act) without the prior consent of the individual, except in the following cases:

(1) When any of the items in Section 4 of this Privacy Policy applies
(2) When the sensitive personal information in question has been made public by the individual, a national government agency, a local government, an entity listed in any of the items in Article 76, Section 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act, or another entity specified by the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission
(3) When sensitive personal information that is obvious from its appearance is obtained by visually inspecting or photographing the individual
(4) When sensitive personal information is provided by a third party and the provision by the third party falls under any of the items in Section 7.1 of this Privacy Policy

5.3 When receiving personal information from a third party, we will confirm the following items as specified by the Personal Information Protection Commission rules. However, this does not include cases where the provision of personal information by the third party falls under any of the items in Section 4 or any of the items in Section 7.1.

(1) The name or title and address of the third party, and the name of its representative in the case of a corporation (or the representative or administrator in the case of an unincorporated organization with a designated representative or administrator)
(2) The circumstances under which the third party acquired the personal information

6. Safety management of personal information

We will provide necessary and appropriate supervision to our employees to ensure the safe management of personal information against risks such as loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage. In addition, if we outsource all or part of the handling of personal information, we will provide necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure the safe management of personal information at the outsourced party.

7. Entrustment of personal information handling

We may entrust all or part of the handling of personal information to a third party within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use. In this case, we will thoroughly examine the suitability of the third party as a trustee, stipulate matters related to confidentiality obligations in the contract, and provide necessary and appropriate supervision of the trustee. In addition, we may jointly use all or part of the acquired personal information with a third party in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act.

8. Disclosure of Personal Information

When the Company is requested by an individual to disclose personal information based on the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act, the Company will disclose the information to the individual without delay after confirming that the request is from the individual (if the personal information does not exist, the Company will notify the individual). However, if disclosure would fall under any of the following cases, the Company may not disclose all or part of the information, and if it decides not to disclose the information, the Company will notify the individual without delay. Please note that a fee (1,000 yen per case) will be charged for the disclosure of personal information.

(1) When there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party
(2) When there is a risk of significant impediment to the proper implementation of the Company's business
(3) When it would violate other laws and regulations.

9. Personal Information Correction, etc.

When the Company is requested by an individual to correct, add, or delete (hereinafter referred to as "correction, etc.") the contents of personal information based on the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act because the personal information is not true, the Company will confirm that the request is from the individual, and will conduct the necessary investigation without delay to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use, correct the contents of the personal information based on the results, and notify the individual to that effect (if it is decided not to make corrections, etc., the Company will notify the individual to that effect). However, this does not apply if the Company is not obligated to make corrections, etc. under the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations.

10. Suspension of use of personal information, etc.

If the Company is requested by the individual to suspend or delete (hereinafter referred to as "suspension of use, etc.") the use of the individual's personal information in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act on the grounds that the individual's personal information is being handled beyond the scope of the purpose of use previously announced, or that the information has been obtained by false or other illegal means, or for other reasons that violate Article 17 of the Personal Information Protection Act, or if the Company is requested to suspend the provision of the personal information in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act on the grounds that the personal information has been provided to a third party without the individual's consent in violation of Article 23, paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act or other provisions of the same Act, and if it is found that the request is justified, the Company will, after confirming that the request is made by the individual, suspend the use, etc. or provision of the personal information without delay and notify the individual to that effect. However, this does not apply if the Company is not obligated to suspend the use, etc. or provision under the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations.

11. Handling of Anonymously Processed Information

11.1 When we create anonymously processed information (meaning that defined in Article 2, Paragraph 9 of the Personal Information Protection Act, and limited to that which constitutes the anonymously processed information database, etc., defined in Article 2, Paragraph 10 of the same Act; the same applies below), we will process personal information in accordance with the standards set forth in the Personal Information Protection Commission Rules.

11.2 When we create anonymously processed information, we will take measures for safety management in accordance with the standards set forth in the Personal Information Protection Commission Rules.

11.3 When we create anonymously processed information, we will make public the items of information about individuals contained in the anonymously processed information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Commission Rules.

11.4 When providing anonymously processed information (including information created by the Company and information provided by a third party; the same applies below unless otherwise specified) to a third party, the Company will, in advance, in accordance with the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission, publicly announce the items of information on individuals contained in the anonymously processed information provided to a third party and the method of providing the information, and clearly inform the third party that the information provided is anonymously processed information.

11.5 When handling anonymously processed information, the Company will not (1) collate the anonymously processed information with other information, or (2) obtain information on descriptions, etc. or individual identification codes deleted from the personal information or the method of processing performed pursuant to the provisions of Article 36, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act in order to identify the individual related to the personal information used to create the anonymously processed information ((2) applies only to the anonymously processed information provided by a third party).

11.6 The Company will take necessary and appropriate measures for the safety management of anonymously processed information, handle complaints regarding the creation and other handling of anonymously processed information, and take other necessary measures to ensure the proper handling of anonymously processed information, and will endeavor to publicize the contents of such measures.

12. Use of Cookies and Other Technologies

Our services may use cookies and similar technologies. These technologies help us understand how our services are being used and contribute to improving our services. Users who wish to disable cookies can do so by changing the settings of their web browser. However, disabling cookies may prevent you from using some of the functions of our services.

13. Inquiries

For requests for disclosure, opinions, questions, complaints, and other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following office.

18F Midtown Tower, 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052
T-NEXT Co., Ltd.
E-mail :
TEL : 03-4588-4253

14. Continuous Improvement

We will review the operational status regarding the handling of personal information from time to time, strive for continuous improvement, and may change this Privacy Policy as necessary. The revised Privacy Policy will take effect when it is notified to users in a manner specified by our company or posted on our website.

We would need your agreement.